Friday, November 5, 2010

See that meter on the right?

The meter on the right of this blog is actually a mini game. Let me introduce you to it:

For each "500" that meter reaches the person who first sees it will gain good luck for 3 months.
When the meter reaches "9,999" the person who first sees it will gain good luck FOREVER.

Therefore, it is in your best interests to reach either the "500" or "9,999" or risk being eaten alive by mindless soul eaters and cosplayers (same thing really).

By pressing the Refresh button at the top of your browser repeatedly, you are increasing your chances of NOT being eaten by mindless soul eaters and cosplayers.

I now wish you the best of luck in your endeavours for completely pointless mini-games like this.

Remember if you don't, you risk being raped by a rabid Sailor Moon fan.


Anonymous said...

lol so this is what you do with your laggy internet...

Adam said...

when upgrade fails, create chain mail

Adam said...

and yes graham, i did upgrade my ram

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Friday, November 5, 2010

See that meter on the right?

The meter on the right of this blog is actually a mini game. Let me introduce you to it:

For each "500" that meter reaches the person who first sees it will gain good luck for 3 months.
When the meter reaches "9,999" the person who first sees it will gain good luck FOREVER.

Therefore, it is in your best interests to reach either the "500" or "9,999" or risk being eaten alive by mindless soul eaters and cosplayers (same thing really).

By pressing the Refresh button at the top of your browser repeatedly, you are increasing your chances of NOT being eaten by mindless soul eaters and cosplayers.

I now wish you the best of luck in your endeavours for completely pointless mini-games like this.

Remember if you don't, you risk being raped by a rabid Sailor Moon fan.


  1. lol so this is what you do with your laggy internet...

  2. yup
    when upgrade fails, create chain mail

  3. and yes graham, i did upgrade my ram

