You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so we can fly away?
We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way
~Fast Car, Tracy Chapman... Play the song before you read this?! It really is meaningful~
You all know the story. Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. They fall in love? But to the frustration of the "audience" watching the story unfold, both characters care too much about the other to make the first move.
So we (the audience) wait... and wait... and wait...
...until the next thing you know...
The movie is half way through and the lovers still haven't made their decision!
We observe both characters get angry, become scared, hyperventilate, laugh, cry, be obsessed, get the heebie jeebies and through all this, I'm pretty sure we're all thinking: "Does love really make people more bipolar than a teenage girl going through PMS?"
Now, I'm not here to hate on those lovey-dovey chick flicks. I actually love watching them :) Although... when the same scenario happens in real life with real people involved and YOU just happen to be so lucky to be caught in the middle... the "chase" period may drive you just a little insane.
Hmmm, the chase. Some like to think of it as the most exciting stage of every relationship. It's also the part when the friends of the "lovers" get a little of the movie spotlight. I love this period! This is the time when you hear the funniest, crudest comments from the "outsiders" and also when lame pick up lines come into play.
"I bet your girl will rock those chains and whips... That'll excite you wont it?"
"Is his penis really big enough for you?" (thumbs up if you sense Tim related comments to this)
"Is your name Gillette?... Because you're the best a man can get"
"Are you from Tennesee? Because you're the only 10 I see!"
tehehe :D
Now whilst all these fun and games take place for the "outsiders", the loved-up characters are usually down in the dumps, dwelling on how to tell the other their true feelings.
In every story, the chase is the time when the boy will go out of his way for the girl. He'll stop playing COD just to talk to her. He'll bake for her at 3am in the morning... and in Step Up, Channing Tatum even left his nigga crew just to be with his beloved ballerina hottie.
Admist everything, the boy's number one priority is "her".
On the girl's side, they usually go a little insane. The chase is the "daydreaming" period- the part where girls assess whether they want to follow their head or their heart.
Some girls come with excess baggage from past relationships. Some girls stay the same...but you can always tell that theres that extra little spark in their eyes. Some girls will go through a Grease phase and will spontaneously sing every moment they get! Some girls will become like annoying kooky zombies who talk about nothing else but the boy they are soooooooooooooo head-over-heels for. Now, to all the "bestfriends" out there, this is the period where you might want to invest in some good earmuffs because not only will you hear "He's the best listener and he is so amazingly adorable" every single day; you'll also hear unnecessary comments like "He really loves his baked beans. It give him the toots a lot though! He's so cute when he farts".... =.= ....
The story goes on... blahblahblah... until (heres the best part) the InsanelyAmazinlyGorgeousAndLovableFriend comes along and pulls an intervention. They'll take on the "drawbridge" role and close the gap between the two lovers!
~Yea yea, I know theres usually more than one friend that comes along and helps out... But you gotta admit, there's always that certain "friend" that is more amazing than the rest ;)~
This InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable character will make the two lovebirds realise that they might as well take the plunge for each other because they have nothing to loose. Through her/his awesome talking-skillage, this InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable friend make the love-doves realise that they have to make a decision or risk loosing the other forever... and so at this point, we hear words of wisdom from the InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable character:
"Love is like a butterfly
Hold it too tight and it'll crush
Hold it too loose and it'll fly away
Right now... your holding too loose...
And your giving her a chance to fly away"
The audience waits... and waits... and waits...
The girl will cry. The guy will punch a wall...errr, or fall down onto the floor and wriggle like a maniac?... until finally, it happens!
They finally tell each other how they feel!
And sort things out as they are.
And it all ends with a Happy-ever-after scene.
"We're allllll in this together!
and it shows
that we are
we're all stars
make our dreammmssss come truuuuuueee"
~High school musical anyone?~
Well.... in the movies it ends with a happy-ever-after scene
... but in real life?...
...spontaneous glee moments don't necessarily happen...
and us "outsiders" can only sit back,
...and watch the rest of the story unfold...
for God knows how long!
~Dont be so worried you dumbum! I'll be here for you when you need me!~
~I know you'll look after the towel♥... better than anybody else at this moment in time can... So dont doubt yourself!... Because I believe in you, and he believes in you~