Saturday, April 30, 2011 5 comments

five people who mean a lot atmzz (in no particular order)


6 things i wish i had never done

1. not looked for my brother's nintendo ds when it was in my room the whole time..

2. started playing ukulele - it's way too addictive

3. trapped myself in an endless cycle of inferiority complexes

4. gone to taiwan a second time

5. given up on drama classes in primary school

6. stopped playing piano

six things i wish i had never done.

1. gotten a facebook account (love/hate relationship)

2. choose to take a year long break from ballet
3. swapped to a single bed ): miss dat queen sized bed 

4. talked to that creepy pedo azn hobo guy who wanders the library instead of just running away or pretending like i can't speak english

5. MAT 3C/D fml

6. lose my diana mini lens cap ;_;
Friday, April 29, 2011 0 comments

Day Six

Five People Who Mean A Lot (in no particular order)

  2. Justin (come back from singaporeeee)
  3. Aaron ( ><> + knife = > < > = sashimi -sorry, im tired-)
  4. Sandra (<-- such a weird one)
  5. Aileen (aha, this is an odd one.)

Day Five

(sorry this is a day late)

Six Things You Wish You Had Never Done

  1. driven that cart down my driveway (still have that scar.)
  2. played blackjack with aaron at afters (the stuff tasted so bad.)
  3. packed my room with so much shelving (can't. get. through.)
  4. listen to the guy at austin when building my computer (no damn graphics, urgh)
  5. bought school uniforms that i would "grow into" (size 24 ftw.)
  6. change my watch battery in indonesia (now my watch is dead, fuu-)

The Chase.

You got a fast car

But is it fast enough so we can fly away?

We gotta make a decision

We leave tonight or live and die this way

~Fast Car, Tracy Chapman... Play the song before you read this?! It really is meaningful~

You all know the story. Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. They fall in love? But to the frustration of the "audience" watching the story unfold, both characters care too much about the other to make the first move.

So we (the audience) wait... and wait... and wait...

...until the next thing you know...

The movie is half way through and the lovers still haven't made their decision!

We observe both characters get angry, become scared, hyperventilate, laugh, cry, be obsessed, get the heebie jeebies and through all this, I'm pretty sure we're all thinking: "Does love really make people more bipolar than a teenage girl going through PMS?"

Now, I'm not here to hate on those lovey-dovey chick flicks. I actually love watching them :) Although... when the same scenario happens in real life with real people involved and YOU just happen to be so lucky to be caught in the middle... the "chase" period may drive you just a little insane.

Hmmm, the chase. Some like to think of it as the most exciting stage of every relationship. It's also the part when the friends of the "lovers" get a little of the movie spotlight. I love this period! This is the time when you hear the funniest, crudest comments from the "outsiders" and also when lame pick up lines come into play.

"I bet your girl will rock those chains and whips... That'll excite you wont it?"

"Is his penis really big enough for you?" (thumbs up if you sense Tim related comments to this)

"Is your name Gillette?... Because you're the best a man can get"

"Are you from Tennesee? Because you're the only 10 I see!"

tehehe :D

Now whilst all these fun and games take place for the "outsiders", the loved-up characters are usually down in the dumps, dwelling on how to tell the other their true feelings.

In every story, the chase is the time when the boy will go out of his way for the girl. He'll stop playing COD just to talk to her. He'll bake for her at 3am in the morning... and in Step Up, Channing Tatum even left his nigga crew just to be with his beloved ballerina hottie.

Admist everything, the boy's number one priority is "her".

On the girl's side, they usually go a little insane. The chase is the "daydreaming" period- the part where girls assess whether they want to follow their head or their heart.

Some girls come with excess baggage from past relationships. Some girls stay the same...but you can always tell that theres that extra little spark in their eyes. Some girls will go through a Grease phase and will spontaneously sing every moment they get! Some girls will become like annoying kooky zombies who talk about nothing else but the boy they are soooooooooooooo head-over-heels for. Now, to all the "bestfriends" out there, this is the period where you might want to invest in some good earmuffs because not only will you hear "He's the best listener and he is so amazingly adorable" every single day; you'll also hear unnecessary comments like "He really loves his baked beans. It give him the toots a lot though! He's so cute when he farts".... =.= ....

The story goes on... blahblahblah... until (heres the best part) the InsanelyAmazinlyGorgeousAndLovableFriend comes along and pulls an intervention. They'll take on the "drawbridge" role and close the gap between the two lovers!

~Yea yea, I know theres usually more than one friend that comes along and helps out... But you gotta admit, there's always that certain "friend" that is more amazing than the rest ;)~

This InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable character will make the two lovebirds realise that they might as well take the plunge for each other because they have nothing to loose. Through her/his awesome talking-skillage, this InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable friend make the love-doves realise that they have to make a decision or risk loosing the other forever... and so at this point, we hear words of wisdom from the InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable character:

"Love is like a butterfly

Hold it too tight and it'll crush

Hold it too loose and it'll fly away

Right now... your holding too loose...

And your giving her a chance to fly away"

The audience waits... and waits... and waits...

The girl will cry. The guy will punch a wall...errr, or fall down onto the floor and wriggle like a maniac?... until finally, it happens!

They finally tell each other how they feel!

And sort things out as they are.

And it all ends with a Happy-ever-after scene.

"We're allllll in this together!

and it shows

that we are

we're all stars

make our dreammmssss come truuuuuueee"

~High school musical anyone?~

Well.... in the movies it ends with a happy-ever-after scene

... but in real life?...

...spontaneous glee moments don't necessarily happen...

and us "outsiders" can only sit back,


...and watch the rest of the story unfold...

for God knows how long!



~Dont be so worried you dumbum! I'll be here for you when you need me!~

~I know you'll look after the towel♥... better than anybody else at this moment in time can... So dont doubt yourself!... Because I believe in you, and he believes in you~


yeeeeer niggazzz day 7

7 things that cross my mind a lot

1. "damn she's hot"

2. "is that even a word?"

3. "shit man"

4. "i feel like dancing"

5. "when the weather is hot, keep a cool mind. when the weather is cold, keep a warm heart" (i'm not even kidding)

6. "what's the time?"

7. "gonna go jogging tomorrow hay"


also <3 <3 <3

so happy you got that towel ! ehehe
Thursday, April 28, 2011 0 comments

Ready? Set. GO!!! :) ... Race to WIN MY ♥...

Uh oh, here we go. Finally attempting challenge 3 :)
How exactly does one win my heart?
...Gosh, I don't even know myself!!...

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

12983571295 hours later

...Lets Start...

1.) Make me laugh :) ~specially on my gloomy PMS days when I look like shit and feel like shit~

2.) Be man enough to cope up with my majorly-intensely-insane life drama

3.) Honesty is the best policy ;)

4.) Give me a mystery to solve ~Don't be boring! Add spice to mah silly little life!

5.) Just be there... If you know what I mean...

6.) Give me butterflies when I see you

7.) Be open. Tell me how you feel. Be my bestfriend and come to me when you need me (boys, just because your men doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or cry or show actual emotion once in a while! That stereotypical stoic facade you all wear sometimes make me want to shoot you in the balls 0_0 FEMME FATALE ftw♥)

8.) Make me feel special

...Through the little things that you do....

Like saying those 3 little words,

simple as they are.



Hardest challenge. I'm not even kidding.


seven things that cross ma mind a lot.

1. chocolate chip cookies and milk

2. the phrase "do what i want"

3. i wish i was taller

4. the fact that it's the last year of high school

5. what i have to clean/organise next

6. eemoshunal rollercoasters

7. my lack of money
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 0 comments

Day Four

7 Things That Cross My Mind a Lot.

  1. food (yes i love my food, any problem with that?- no i didn't think so)
  2. sleep (13 hours on holidays fyeahhh)
  3. lame jokes
  4. random song lyrics (depending on what songg)
  5. what happen when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object.
  6. how to sabotage aaron/chris/justin in various ways -emphasis on aaron- (good fun, all the more better with a vivid imagination)
  7. daydreaming of using studio beats by dr dre on a sony x-series walkman -drool-

9 Things about yours truly :)

Noooo! Everyone's already on day 3!
Okie dokies, lets get this started :)

1. First, the obvious... I love performing arts♥ Put me on a stage, add a spotlight and let me do my thing :)

2. I love that free feeling that envelops your body when your running out in the open with soft grass beneath your feet, cool wind in your face and the sun just casually saying "hey".

3. Dannnnnceee the night away, live your life and stay out on the floooooooor ~Story of my life. Thank you Jlo for putting it into song.

4. REALLYREALLYREALLY cuddly BIG hugs♥ (Rock hard bods anyone? AHA)

5. I have a thing for nice fresh scents. Kinda like the fragrance of spring, the scent of rain or the smell of cucumber :) ...yea, bet you guys think I'm weird?

6. The butterflies you get when your scared and the guy you like holds your hand ;)

7. I love those moments of exhilaration! Specially when your full of euphoria and it seems like you can take on anything the world throws at you.

8. Those funny moments in life where something happens and you can't stop laughing.

9. Being around people you love♥


Gosh... I think I just shared my strangeness with the world.


how to win my heart >__________>

1. appreciate really corny jokes :3

2. show me good music (not dubstep)

3. never get your/you're mixed up, srsly that shit is serious

4. be confident - not conceited

5. READ A BOOK. preferably literature aye

be genuinely kind and caring

7. possess some musical talent

8. laugh a lot (:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 0 comments

Day Three

8 ways to win my heart.
... you can see this isn't going to be my favorite post to write.

  1. ..-sigh- food? be able to cook LOL (im kinda hungry right now...go make me a sandwhich jksjks -nervous laugh-) 
  2. smile lots (emphasis on lots)
  3. not be taller than me (i'd be pretty scared if you were...)
  4. play an instrument? (i dunno, piano, violin, guitar? -god i sound so asian-)
  5. being tolerant/patient
  6. be extremely sweet (metaphorically, derp.)
  7. have really nice eyesss ("the eyes are the window to the soul", damn, sounds so cliche)
  8. make lame jokes
-publishes post- (after thinking for 30+ minutes)

nine things about myself.

1. my shoe size is 3 - the same size as my nine year old brother ;_; but it's cool to share shoes so w/e

2. i'm a teeny bit OCD but not as bad as some people think. i just like alignment and things being tidy and in order and general cleanliness .__.

3. i'm probably one of the most sensitive people you'll meet.

4. 10 things i hate about you is my favourite movie of all time :D 

5. my diana mini is my baby. ♥ _____ ♥

6. i'm a total nerd *__* i love love love reading and correct spelling and grammar (aww yeah)

7. floral is my flipping favez.

8. cookies and milk are my ultimate comfort food

9. my older brother is my hero. i could talk for hours about how much i love him and what he means to me.

Monday, April 25, 2011 0 comments

Here it is.

So I've gotten this far... Have now made an account and am succesfully uploading my very first blog post :) So proud. Suck on that technology :)

Here it is. Day 1 of the epic 10 day challenge!
Hmmm, 10 things I want to say to 10 different people? uh oh, this might get controversial...


~Honey, be careful where you tread. Your walking on a dangerous path and I love you too much to see you get hurt. You love him you say? But where is that forbidden love going to be at the end of the road? Be careful. Be safe. HAVE FUN.

~So I called you last night and told you I'd email you your plane letter... yea, well guess who didnt get home till 1 am? uh huh... Im sorry!♥ Shall I sum it all up in here? After all, I'm pretty sure you already know how fucking awesome and irreplaceable you are to me :)

I love our crazy-ass moments.

And the weird ass Indian guys that seem to follow you around... EVERYWHERE.

I love our retarded conversations, and our serious ones.

I love how you wear sky high shoes that you cant walk in,

And manage to face plant the floor when "strutting" your stuff.

I love how close we are.

And I can tell you anything.
How your basically a sister to me.

and I won't go into too much detail, because I got carried away and for one moment forgot that this was a blog... that everyone can read... So I'm gonna end with...


~ Theres someone here waiting for you... and an even hotter someone wanting you... why you would choose the less hot one? I wouldnt know :)♥

~ Awwww, my little baby hurt his little teensy weensy toe. Does the boo boo hurt too much? HAHA :D. Yes, despite my "busy schedule", I will personally ride to your house tomorrow just to put betadine on your booboo and make you feel all better♥ You ask why the fuck I would do that? and why I would even touch that manky peeling skin?... seriously, you have no idea what I'd do for you.

That's how much you mean to me :)

You will shit brix when you read this wont you? AHA

~ You introduced me to what is probably THE BEST PRANK in the world. You have no idea how much fun I've gotten outta that cruel joke :) Thanks for always being there. For listening when no-one would... at 3am on a school night, when most don't gives a shit...

~Hey is that poop on your arm? You know you love your daily poop fix.

~Babygirl, I haven't known you for very long and yet we've already become close♥. From the way we are now, I can tell we're gonna have some pretty EPIC moments in the future. Can't wait till uni and our epic sexy plans ;)

....hey look, is that shit on the wall? AHAHAHAHA

~I hope you walk into a door and hit your head so hard that it eventually looks like Jimmy Neutron's head :) Oh wait... it already looks like that... tehehehee just kidding...


~So you walked into my house while I'm eating oatmeal and wearing my hilariously EMBARASSING pyjamas. I didn't recognise who you were because for some strange reason, you now look totally different and you now speak portugese... a very sexy language... how you did this in the span of one year? Tell me the secret yea?

All I wanna say is... Still think I'm that little girl from the past? Well, I'm like fucking Lara Croft! So any Nerf Gun wars you initiate will only end in disaster... for you... :)

~I am surprised at how amazingly well you can say what you think. Very poetic. Am I allowed to say wow?


That is all.

Adios Amigos♥

day 2: 9 things about yourself

1. i like learning languages! i love linguists. i'm still working on being one. so far i've got english and mandarin chinese under my belt. can understand hokkien :3 still working on jap and canto. i wish i learnt french though, heh (YERRRR exotic).

2. there was a time when i woke up at exactly 7:14 every morning. lately i've woken up whenever birds fly past my window.

3. i think my greatest talent is pulling shit out of my ass. literally. (jkz) not literally.

4. i am highly insecure, hypersensitive and eccentric.

5. there are 7 domokuns in my room!

6. my secret loves are learning k-pop dances (working on lucifer) and doing ukulele covers of songs i like.

7. ajahn brahm is my hero

8. taiwan is probably my favourite country as of now.

9. sentimental > material imo


day 1: ten things you want to say to ten people

1. even though we disagree on almost everything and you're hilariously socially awkward i'm glad i got that awesome opportunity to meet you. talking to you is the ultimate remedy for a shiet day. thanks for keeping me sane for the past year and a bit. gonna go to colombia one day to see if it's really like how you describe it and see how such an overly affectionate country produced someone like you.

2. i think you're really cool! and the reason i sometimes dart off msn or facebook chat and hide offline is because i'm secretly lamenting the fact that i'm not as cool or attractive as you or the other people you talk to. i'm working on this though! i have so many things to say to you but i'm so afraid they're not interesting or good enough. so trust me - it's not you; it's me. oh! i miss you lots, too.

3. i love you three babes. you are my second family and you're all so ridiculously beautiful in your respective ways. words just can't summarise it.

4. i love you a lot but i don't understand how you work. i wish i was more like your boyfriend so i could be a better friend to you. the reason i act the way i do is because i get worried i'm not interesting for you. i don't know. it makes me really sad sometimes. i'm sorry. and i really love you. i hope that click between us resounds for a very long time because nobody can be the mao to my zedong like you can.

5. i don't know who you are! it's like niceness and beauty are the only things that define you right now. i want to know more. what's beneath the surface?

6. lolwhut - has it always been this way?

7. i'm sorry i still have your book ;___;

8. i'm so excited but i don't know if i can go because of study.

9. you're so pretty you make me want to crawl into a hole and die.

10. i can't believe it! why would you even? i mean i'm still questioning my information but WHAT THE FARMER - seriously. i feel like i can't connect with you. i mean it's not bad or surprising (難怪難怪難怪)but... what the shit. i didn't think you were like that.


Day two

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

  1. on holidays, i enjoy waking up around 1pm, ahah, that being about 12-13 hours sleep -grin-
  2. i use a Nokia Xpress Music 5530, solid brick of a phonee (until it freezes when receiving a call, urgh).
  3. i like night the best (between 10pm-3am), and im not a morning person at all.
  4. taking photos is fun haha, i enjoy using my Nikon D3000, and am slowly sluggishly reading through a book on itttt.
  5. the state library is my second home. and im deeply hurt that it was closed for 5 days -sad- haha
  6. i've played piano since year... 4 i think? yet i still suck at it so much
  7. Bones and Castle, make for good Sunday night procrastination
  8. my friends mean the world to me (i.e. a whole lot).
  9. (after lilly pointed out i forgot it) i live in a mess, but i kinda have OCD.. yeah it's weird aha.

ten things to ten people.

1. it was so so so great catching up with you recently, you'll always be my twinnie/bestie forever. i love how easy it is to pick up where we left from and that no matter what, i can always depend on you. you're hilarious and caring and intelligent and beautiful and just insanely fun to be around. as you always say, you're da cheese to my macaroni ;D

2. this is a kinda 'group' message (i'm cheating w/e do what i want) but i feel like you guys are the ones who will always be there for me. funbun family ♥

3. just ;_;

4. i can't wait until i see your reaction!

5. still processing but i love you all the same (:

6. you shouldn't feel jelly at all

7. why do we even bother with small talk

8. less than one month until you're back! i can't flipping wait jakls;dfjadlsfas;f

9. despite the fact we're both socially awkiez, you're incredibly easy to get along with ! you're no longer that random i sometimes see at the library :3 you're HILARZ and kind and you're a much nicer person than i am. i love that you trust me with potential life destroying deetz and your dangerous contagious laziness and that i can be 100% myself when i talk to you and how chill you are and your justin bieber hair flick and when we library it up and our skype calls. even though you're ridiculous at charades and watch shit tv shows and use stupid internet language, i'm glad we've gotten close :)

10. i don't know you anymore
Sunday, April 24, 2011 2 comments

day 1

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

- give me my book back
- -points- there's a bug on you
- give it a break, play nicely children haha
- gomenasaiii
- "going to the library anytime soon? you need to teach me magnetism"
- you write the proposal for ittt.
- don't do anything stupid ahah
- no, i dont know the specs of them if you give me only the model numbers.
- -shoots- -spams fire button- DIE SERENITY. DIE.

the heart of life is good

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
(heart of life - john mayer)

wooooh. maths study.

but first:

when we're together i feel like i'm at home (even if there are weird pedos following us down the road). i'm so glad we've stuck together for so long because when it's just us four it feels so right. whether we're covered in bugs, failing at cartwheels or planning things i know we'll always have a good time! i'm sorry if i've ever doubted you, because today has just emphasised over all days that you guys are the best and that friendship is the best cure for nausea. thanks for always sticking by me - and i hope you'll always know i'll stick by you!

wow, that was corny. (there was no other way to describe it though)

today was a day of revelations. disgusting revelations. however we're growing up and i guess that's what you get. although i'll never look at some people the same again.

on another note, WOOOOOOOOOOH SO HAPPY FOR YOU GURRRRL. jump that.. i will refer to this as "towel", simply because there is one next to me. anyway JUMP DAT TOWEL!

and to sean; i'm not dead! i'm alive and right here nigggaaaaaaaaaah!



Saturday, April 23, 2011 0 comments

Ten Day Blogging Challenge: Round Two

thought i'd try to re-spark the blog, so here's a second "Ten Day Blogging Challenge"

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four things that girls/boys do that you hate.*
Day Eight: Three things that girls/boys do that you love.*
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession
*(opposite gender to contributor)

we'll start tomorrowww. -checks time- (well, later today.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011 1 comments
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
One of the greatest quotes, from a great author.
Work with what you know, not with what you think you know. because, you'll eventually realize that you're wrong... and everything that you believe is wrong... and that the entire time, you've been trying to fit puzzle pieces in the wrong place, the wrong way...
When i first heard the quote, i guess i didn't understand... i didn't understand how it would become one of my favorite quotes.
But i guess, there are two reasons why i love it:
firstly, it's quoted from one of my most loved characters.
secondly, the amazing person who first told it to me. i'm slowly getting there. and you mean lots to me, more than i previously thought. so much more. and i'm sure this is one of the many good things i'll remember you by.

two shout outs:
- thanks, it really helped.
- i'm sorry. and im kicking myself for how i've acted towards you.
- and i'm sorry i've been such a crap selfish friend. i really miss how much we used to talk, and how close we were. regardless, you'll always be one of my closest confidants, and i hope it'll become this way again and always.

Nah, I think I’m just fed up, I’m already bored, you’re dull...

the euphoria when you realise there's a 5 day long weekend.
except that the library is closed hahaha

in this time, i hope to go over all the notes i've typed up. maybe i'll convert them to PDF format, and place a watermark with my name on them, which reminds me..
wait, no nevermind.
i'll just re-uploads some of those notes.

and i sometimes wonder, whether or not the other contributors have died ahah.
well, except jamie.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 0 comments


- the fear of the number 666. (spams 666)

feel fell asleep at the library thrice three times.
-headdesk- (quite literally)
electricty and magnetism -dizzy spin-. don't get it at all...and we havent even started relativity, woooo.

creepiest thing at gelare. some fat obese (6 times my size, no joke), 40+ year old, white guy sat near to me and Sandra Sandra and I at gelare in nb.
of all the empty tables, chose the one next to us, with a clear view of her (oh god).
gave her the creepiest-pedo-i-want-you look i've seen. similar to then "8)" emoticon i use. oh god, thank god we were finished and walked ran off quickly

library study is being so-so. need to get more sleep to focus better aha.
maths tuitionnn tomorrow = arghh. (probability distributions anyone?)

just realised there isnt even a single easter egg in our house..

ah well.
i want to sleep in. (and swim a bit more)
Monday, April 18, 2011 0 comments

i've been watching but the stars refuse to shine.

so currently just watching reruns of the OC (my life is so exciting!) and dreaming about the leather jacket i'm gonna hopefully buy this week :3 tomorrow's the last day of term and we have a picnic planned at school (HATERS GONNN HATE YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) and going for half priced waffles after, so tomorrow seems like it's going to be a good day (:

anyway, shout outz as usual!
- stop replacing me please ;_;
- you've been the one i can depend on no matter what, but it feels like you're leaving me, that things are changing and idk how to stop it because honestly i find it hard to function without you. i've realised how much i trust you, count on you and turn to you. and it's freaking me ouuut.

- who do you think you get outta town
- you are incredibly hilarious and i'm really glad i've been talking to you more! our conversations are always interesting/amusing/make me die of laughter and choke on water and it's really cool how quickly and easily we've gotten to know each other, dude ;D
- i love you so much ajsdlkfjas;dlkfj
Friday, April 15, 2011 1 comments

last term one.


one term down.
three and a bit to go-
(damn exams/end of year is coming fast)

next prefect meeting, i have a legitimate reason to rage at both students and staff urgh.
didnt know we had to tell scanlon we were setting up in the morning, we're house captains ffs arghhh.
and damn teachers who cut the line and grab half a dozen sausages and buns for "some people".
pisses me off badly.

and youu. -glares-
i love how you always consider us a last resort.
if there's not enough, sure, just fill it up with us.
but im sorry, i do have things to do, and im not just waiting for your whimsical call.
gee thanks, i really appreciate being treated that way.

-practices over and over again-
competition sundayyy -damnit no badminton-
need to cut down from 9mins 15 to 7mins 45 -cries-

shout outs:
- why you so weird one? ahaha
- don't bother asking
- naww such a cute photo LOL.
- drink more water next time (so ironic yeah?)

Thursday, April 14, 2011 3 comments

i'm going to break down these walls i've built around myself.

meant to post this yesterday night but didn't for an unknown idiotic reason; anyway just shout outz :3

#1: it kinda feels like the old times hanging out with you now, and it's making me realise how great it is when we're all together in that 'original' little group. we get along so easily, everything just feels like it should. when i'm with you three it's like being around family and i don't think it can get any better than that <333333333

#2: i don't know what to do when you're sad because you never tell me what's up. i really want to help you and make you feel better...but it's extremely hard when you close everyone off. you should know that you could trust me with anything and it's not a bad thing to let someone in once in a while.
#3: i miss you and idk how to stop.
#4: we have so many fights, ones that i love and other ones like this current tension filled silence that i can't handle. (i can't handle the fight NOT YOU ♥) when i have a fight with you, it automatically turns into a bad day - even if school finished early and i bought some awesome ukulele strings, everything turns to be about you. and i end up just waiting. waiting for you to say the first word or waiting for you to calm your farm or waiting to see if yo minging ass has even realised that i'm ignoring you. you mean a lot to me too, i wish that you'd understand i have legit reasons to be a crazy bitch about certain matters & just trust me. but i'm apologising & promising that i'll explain. i'm only hurt that you let me try to sleep in such a sad state (fukyeah alliteration). leaving me to stay up & argue with myself whether i should be the one to spend all my credz and fix things. 
because when things are broken with us, everything else feels shattered too.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 0 comments

holidays plzz.

rather than the usual long lengthy posts im used to, i'll cut the material down crap.
i really need a respite from my religion essay on vatican II.
-thinks, dei verbum, lumen gentium, gaudiem et spes, sacrosanctum concillium... is that latin or italian..?-


the week's been bad ridiculously horrific so far.
- failed maths, fml, tutor's gonna kill me.
- chemistry screwed up.
- physics was so-so.
- econs, not good enough aha.
- worried about bias english marking scheme.
- religion and life is becoming modern-vatican-history. urgh.

ah well.
time to hit the books at the library on the holidayss.

(goodbye..i think)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

five people who mean a lot atmzz (in no particular order)


6 things i wish i had never done

1. not looked for my brother's nintendo ds when it was in my room the whole time..

2. started playing ukulele - it's way too addictive

3. trapped myself in an endless cycle of inferiority complexes

4. gone to taiwan a second time

5. given up on drama classes in primary school

6. stopped playing piano

six things i wish i had never done.

1. gotten a facebook account (love/hate relationship)

2. choose to take a year long break from ballet
3. swapped to a single bed ): miss dat queen sized bed 

4. talked to that creepy pedo azn hobo guy who wanders the library instead of just running away or pretending like i can't speak english

5. MAT 3C/D fml

6. lose my diana mini lens cap ;_;

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day Six

Five People Who Mean A Lot (in no particular order)

  2. Justin (come back from singaporeeee)
  3. Aaron ( ><> + knife = > < > = sashimi -sorry, im tired-)
  4. Sandra (<-- such a weird one)
  5. Aileen (aha, this is an odd one.)

Day Five

(sorry this is a day late)

Six Things You Wish You Had Never Done

  1. driven that cart down my driveway (still have that scar.)
  2. played blackjack with aaron at afters (the stuff tasted so bad.)
  3. packed my room with so much shelving (can't. get. through.)
  4. listen to the guy at austin when building my computer (no damn graphics, urgh)
  5. bought school uniforms that i would "grow into" (size 24 ftw.)
  6. change my watch battery in indonesia (now my watch is dead, fuu-)

The Chase.

You got a fast car

But is it fast enough so we can fly away?

We gotta make a decision

We leave tonight or live and die this way

~Fast Car, Tracy Chapman... Play the song before you read this?! It really is meaningful~

You all know the story. Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. They fall in love? But to the frustration of the "audience" watching the story unfold, both characters care too much about the other to make the first move.

So we (the audience) wait... and wait... and wait...

...until the next thing you know...

The movie is half way through and the lovers still haven't made their decision!

We observe both characters get angry, become scared, hyperventilate, laugh, cry, be obsessed, get the heebie jeebies and through all this, I'm pretty sure we're all thinking: "Does love really make people more bipolar than a teenage girl going through PMS?"

Now, I'm not here to hate on those lovey-dovey chick flicks. I actually love watching them :) Although... when the same scenario happens in real life with real people involved and YOU just happen to be so lucky to be caught in the middle... the "chase" period may drive you just a little insane.

Hmmm, the chase. Some like to think of it as the most exciting stage of every relationship. It's also the part when the friends of the "lovers" get a little of the movie spotlight. I love this period! This is the time when you hear the funniest, crudest comments from the "outsiders" and also when lame pick up lines come into play.

"I bet your girl will rock those chains and whips... That'll excite you wont it?"

"Is his penis really big enough for you?" (thumbs up if you sense Tim related comments to this)

"Is your name Gillette?... Because you're the best a man can get"

"Are you from Tennesee? Because you're the only 10 I see!"

tehehe :D

Now whilst all these fun and games take place for the "outsiders", the loved-up characters are usually down in the dumps, dwelling on how to tell the other their true feelings.

In every story, the chase is the time when the boy will go out of his way for the girl. He'll stop playing COD just to talk to her. He'll bake for her at 3am in the morning... and in Step Up, Channing Tatum even left his nigga crew just to be with his beloved ballerina hottie.

Admist everything, the boy's number one priority is "her".

On the girl's side, they usually go a little insane. The chase is the "daydreaming" period- the part where girls assess whether they want to follow their head or their heart.

Some girls come with excess baggage from past relationships. Some girls stay the same...but you can always tell that theres that extra little spark in their eyes. Some girls will go through a Grease phase and will spontaneously sing every moment they get! Some girls will become like annoying kooky zombies who talk about nothing else but the boy they are soooooooooooooo head-over-heels for. Now, to all the "bestfriends" out there, this is the period where you might want to invest in some good earmuffs because not only will you hear "He's the best listener and he is so amazingly adorable" every single day; you'll also hear unnecessary comments like "He really loves his baked beans. It give him the toots a lot though! He's so cute when he farts".... =.= ....

The story goes on... blahblahblah... until (heres the best part) the InsanelyAmazinlyGorgeousAndLovableFriend comes along and pulls an intervention. They'll take on the "drawbridge" role and close the gap between the two lovers!

~Yea yea, I know theres usually more than one friend that comes along and helps out... But you gotta admit, there's always that certain "friend" that is more amazing than the rest ;)~

This InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable character will make the two lovebirds realise that they might as well take the plunge for each other because they have nothing to loose. Through her/his awesome talking-skillage, this InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable friend make the love-doves realise that they have to make a decision or risk loosing the other forever... and so at this point, we hear words of wisdom from the InsanelyAmazinglyGorgeousAndLovable character:

"Love is like a butterfly

Hold it too tight and it'll crush

Hold it too loose and it'll fly away

Right now... your holding too loose...

And your giving her a chance to fly away"

The audience waits... and waits... and waits...

The girl will cry. The guy will punch a wall...errr, or fall down onto the floor and wriggle like a maniac?... until finally, it happens!

They finally tell each other how they feel!

And sort things out as they are.

And it all ends with a Happy-ever-after scene.

"We're allllll in this together!

and it shows

that we are

we're all stars

make our dreammmssss come truuuuuueee"

~High school musical anyone?~

Well.... in the movies it ends with a happy-ever-after scene

... but in real life?...

...spontaneous glee moments don't necessarily happen...

and us "outsiders" can only sit back,


...and watch the rest of the story unfold...

for God knows how long!



~Dont be so worried you dumbum! I'll be here for you when you need me!~

~I know you'll look after the towel♥... better than anybody else at this moment in time can... So dont doubt yourself!... Because I believe in you, and he believes in you~

yeeeeer niggazzz day 7

7 things that cross my mind a lot

1. "damn she's hot"

2. "is that even a word?"

3. "shit man"

4. "i feel like dancing"

5. "when the weather is hot, keep a cool mind. when the weather is cold, keep a warm heart" (i'm not even kidding)

6. "what's the time?"

7. "gonna go jogging tomorrow hay"


also <3 <3 <3

so happy you got that towel ! ehehe

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ready? Set. GO!!! :) ... Race to WIN MY ♥...

Uh oh, here we go. Finally attempting challenge 3 :)
How exactly does one win my heart?
...Gosh, I don't even know myself!!...

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

12983571295 hours later

...Lets Start...

1.) Make me laugh :) ~specially on my gloomy PMS days when I look like shit and feel like shit~

2.) Be man enough to cope up with my majorly-intensely-insane life drama

3.) Honesty is the best policy ;)

4.) Give me a mystery to solve ~Don't be boring! Add spice to mah silly little life!

5.) Just be there... If you know what I mean...

6.) Give me butterflies when I see you

7.) Be open. Tell me how you feel. Be my bestfriend and come to me when you need me (boys, just because your men doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or cry or show actual emotion once in a while! That stereotypical stoic facade you all wear sometimes make me want to shoot you in the balls 0_0 FEMME FATALE ftw♥)

8.) Make me feel special

...Through the little things that you do....

Like saying those 3 little words,

simple as they are.



Hardest challenge. I'm not even kidding.


seven things that cross ma mind a lot.

1. chocolate chip cookies and milk

2. the phrase "do what i want"

3. i wish i was taller

4. the fact that it's the last year of high school

5. what i have to clean/organise next

6. eemoshunal rollercoasters

7. my lack of money

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day Four

7 Things That Cross My Mind a Lot.

  1. food (yes i love my food, any problem with that?- no i didn't think so)
  2. sleep (13 hours on holidays fyeahhh)
  3. lame jokes
  4. random song lyrics (depending on what songg)
  5. what happen when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object.
  6. how to sabotage aaron/chris/justin in various ways -emphasis on aaron- (good fun, all the more better with a vivid imagination)
  7. daydreaming of using studio beats by dr dre on a sony x-series walkman -drool-

9 Things about yours truly :)

Noooo! Everyone's already on day 3!
Okie dokies, lets get this started :)

1. First, the obvious... I love performing arts♥ Put me on a stage, add a spotlight and let me do my thing :)

2. I love that free feeling that envelops your body when your running out in the open with soft grass beneath your feet, cool wind in your face and the sun just casually saying "hey".

3. Dannnnnceee the night away, live your life and stay out on the floooooooor ~Story of my life. Thank you Jlo for putting it into song.

4. REALLYREALLYREALLY cuddly BIG hugs♥ (Rock hard bods anyone? AHA)

5. I have a thing for nice fresh scents. Kinda like the fragrance of spring, the scent of rain or the smell of cucumber :) ...yea, bet you guys think I'm weird?

6. The butterflies you get when your scared and the guy you like holds your hand ;)

7. I love those moments of exhilaration! Specially when your full of euphoria and it seems like you can take on anything the world throws at you.

8. Those funny moments in life where something happens and you can't stop laughing.

9. Being around people you love♥


Gosh... I think I just shared my strangeness with the world.

how to win my heart >__________>

1. appreciate really corny jokes :3

2. show me good music (not dubstep)

3. never get your/you're mixed up, srsly that shit is serious

4. be confident - not conceited

5. READ A BOOK. preferably literature aye

be genuinely kind and caring

7. possess some musical talent

8. laugh a lot (:


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day Three

8 ways to win my heart.
... you can see this isn't going to be my favorite post to write.

  1. ..-sigh- food? be able to cook LOL (im kinda hungry right now...go make me a sandwhich jksjks -nervous laugh-) 
  2. smile lots (emphasis on lots)
  3. not be taller than me (i'd be pretty scared if you were...)
  4. play an instrument? (i dunno, piano, violin, guitar? -god i sound so asian-)
  5. being tolerant/patient
  6. be extremely sweet (metaphorically, derp.)
  7. have really nice eyesss ("the eyes are the window to the soul", damn, sounds so cliche)
  8. make lame jokes
-publishes post- (after thinking for 30+ minutes)

nine things about myself.

1. my shoe size is 3 - the same size as my nine year old brother ;_; but it's cool to share shoes so w/e

2. i'm a teeny bit OCD but not as bad as some people think. i just like alignment and things being tidy and in order and general cleanliness .__.

3. i'm probably one of the most sensitive people you'll meet.

4. 10 things i hate about you is my favourite movie of all time :D 

5. my diana mini is my baby. ♥ _____ ♥

6. i'm a total nerd *__* i love love love reading and correct spelling and grammar (aww yeah)

7. floral is my flipping favez.

8. cookies and milk are my ultimate comfort food

9. my older brother is my hero. i could talk for hours about how much i love him and what he means to me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Here it is.

So I've gotten this far... Have now made an account and am succesfully uploading my very first blog post :) So proud. Suck on that technology :)

Here it is. Day 1 of the epic 10 day challenge!
Hmmm, 10 things I want to say to 10 different people? uh oh, this might get controversial...


~Honey, be careful where you tread. Your walking on a dangerous path and I love you too much to see you get hurt. You love him you say? But where is that forbidden love going to be at the end of the road? Be careful. Be safe. HAVE FUN.

~So I called you last night and told you I'd email you your plane letter... yea, well guess who didnt get home till 1 am? uh huh... Im sorry!♥ Shall I sum it all up in here? After all, I'm pretty sure you already know how fucking awesome and irreplaceable you are to me :)

I love our crazy-ass moments.

And the weird ass Indian guys that seem to follow you around... EVERYWHERE.

I love our retarded conversations, and our serious ones.

I love how you wear sky high shoes that you cant walk in,

And manage to face plant the floor when "strutting" your stuff.

I love how close we are.

And I can tell you anything.
How your basically a sister to me.

and I won't go into too much detail, because I got carried away and for one moment forgot that this was a blog... that everyone can read... So I'm gonna end with...


~ Theres someone here waiting for you... and an even hotter someone wanting you... why you would choose the less hot one? I wouldnt know :)♥

~ Awwww, my little baby hurt his little teensy weensy toe. Does the boo boo hurt too much? HAHA :D. Yes, despite my "busy schedule", I will personally ride to your house tomorrow just to put betadine on your booboo and make you feel all better♥ You ask why the fuck I would do that? and why I would even touch that manky peeling skin?... seriously, you have no idea what I'd do for you.

That's how much you mean to me :)

You will shit brix when you read this wont you? AHA

~ You introduced me to what is probably THE BEST PRANK in the world. You have no idea how much fun I've gotten outta that cruel joke :) Thanks for always being there. For listening when no-one would... at 3am on a school night, when most don't gives a shit...

~Hey is that poop on your arm? You know you love your daily poop fix.

~Babygirl, I haven't known you for very long and yet we've already become close♥. From the way we are now, I can tell we're gonna have some pretty EPIC moments in the future. Can't wait till uni and our epic sexy plans ;)

....hey look, is that shit on the wall? AHAHAHAHA

~I hope you walk into a door and hit your head so hard that it eventually looks like Jimmy Neutron's head :) Oh wait... it already looks like that... tehehehee just kidding...


~So you walked into my house while I'm eating oatmeal and wearing my hilariously EMBARASSING pyjamas. I didn't recognise who you were because for some strange reason, you now look totally different and you now speak portugese... a very sexy language... how you did this in the span of one year? Tell me the secret yea?

All I wanna say is... Still think I'm that little girl from the past? Well, I'm like fucking Lara Croft! So any Nerf Gun wars you initiate will only end in disaster... for you... :)

~I am surprised at how amazingly well you can say what you think. Very poetic. Am I allowed to say wow?


That is all.

Adios Amigos♥

day 2: 9 things about yourself

1. i like learning languages! i love linguists. i'm still working on being one. so far i've got english and mandarin chinese under my belt. can understand hokkien :3 still working on jap and canto. i wish i learnt french though, heh (YERRRR exotic).

2. there was a time when i woke up at exactly 7:14 every morning. lately i've woken up whenever birds fly past my window.

3. i think my greatest talent is pulling shit out of my ass. literally. (jkz) not literally.

4. i am highly insecure, hypersensitive and eccentric.

5. there are 7 domokuns in my room!

6. my secret loves are learning k-pop dances (working on lucifer) and doing ukulele covers of songs i like.

7. ajahn brahm is my hero

8. taiwan is probably my favourite country as of now.

9. sentimental > material imo

day 1: ten things you want to say to ten people

1. even though we disagree on almost everything and you're hilariously socially awkward i'm glad i got that awesome opportunity to meet you. talking to you is the ultimate remedy for a shiet day. thanks for keeping me sane for the past year and a bit. gonna go to colombia one day to see if it's really like how you describe it and see how such an overly affectionate country produced someone like you.

2. i think you're really cool! and the reason i sometimes dart off msn or facebook chat and hide offline is because i'm secretly lamenting the fact that i'm not as cool or attractive as you or the other people you talk to. i'm working on this though! i have so many things to say to you but i'm so afraid they're not interesting or good enough. so trust me - it's not you; it's me. oh! i miss you lots, too.

3. i love you three babes. you are my second family and you're all so ridiculously beautiful in your respective ways. words just can't summarise it.

4. i love you a lot but i don't understand how you work. i wish i was more like your boyfriend so i could be a better friend to you. the reason i act the way i do is because i get worried i'm not interesting for you. i don't know. it makes me really sad sometimes. i'm sorry. and i really love you. i hope that click between us resounds for a very long time because nobody can be the mao to my zedong like you can.

5. i don't know who you are! it's like niceness and beauty are the only things that define you right now. i want to know more. what's beneath the surface?

6. lolwhut - has it always been this way?

7. i'm sorry i still have your book ;___;

8. i'm so excited but i don't know if i can go because of study.

9. you're so pretty you make me want to crawl into a hole and die.

10. i can't believe it! why would you even? i mean i'm still questioning my information but WHAT THE FARMER - seriously. i feel like i can't connect with you. i mean it's not bad or surprising (難怪難怪難怪)but... what the shit. i didn't think you were like that.

Day two

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

  1. on holidays, i enjoy waking up around 1pm, ahah, that being about 12-13 hours sleep -grin-
  2. i use a Nokia Xpress Music 5530, solid brick of a phonee (until it freezes when receiving a call, urgh).
  3. i like night the best (between 10pm-3am), and im not a morning person at all.
  4. taking photos is fun haha, i enjoy using my Nikon D3000, and am slowly sluggishly reading through a book on itttt.
  5. the state library is my second home. and im deeply hurt that it was closed for 5 days -sad- haha
  6. i've played piano since year... 4 i think? yet i still suck at it so much
  7. Bones and Castle, make for good Sunday night procrastination
  8. my friends mean the world to me (i.e. a whole lot).
  9. (after lilly pointed out i forgot it) i live in a mess, but i kinda have OCD.. yeah it's weird aha.

ten things to ten people.

1. it was so so so great catching up with you recently, you'll always be my twinnie/bestie forever. i love how easy it is to pick up where we left from and that no matter what, i can always depend on you. you're hilarious and caring and intelligent and beautiful and just insanely fun to be around. as you always say, you're da cheese to my macaroni ;D

2. this is a kinda 'group' message (i'm cheating w/e do what i want) but i feel like you guys are the ones who will always be there for me. funbun family ♥

3. just ;_;

4. i can't wait until i see your reaction!

5. still processing but i love you all the same (:

6. you shouldn't feel jelly at all

7. why do we even bother with small talk

8. less than one month until you're back! i can't flipping wait jakls;dfjadlsfas;f

9. despite the fact we're both socially awkiez, you're incredibly easy to get along with ! you're no longer that random i sometimes see at the library :3 you're HILARZ and kind and you're a much nicer person than i am. i love that you trust me with potential life destroying deetz and your dangerous contagious laziness and that i can be 100% myself when i talk to you and how chill you are and your justin bieber hair flick and when we library it up and our skype calls. even though you're ridiculous at charades and watch shit tv shows and use stupid internet language, i'm glad we've gotten close :)

10. i don't know you anymore

Sunday, April 24, 2011

day 1

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

- give me my book back
- -points- there's a bug on you
- give it a break, play nicely children haha
- gomenasaiii
- "going to the library anytime soon? you need to teach me magnetism"
- you write the proposal for ittt.
- don't do anything stupid ahah
- no, i dont know the specs of them if you give me only the model numbers.
- -shoots- -spams fire button- DIE SERENITY. DIE.

the heart of life is good

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
(heart of life - john mayer)

wooooh. maths study.

but first:

when we're together i feel like i'm at home (even if there are weird pedos following us down the road). i'm so glad we've stuck together for so long because when it's just us four it feels so right. whether we're covered in bugs, failing at cartwheels or planning things i know we'll always have a good time! i'm sorry if i've ever doubted you, because today has just emphasised over all days that you guys are the best and that friendship is the best cure for nausea. thanks for always sticking by me - and i hope you'll always know i'll stick by you!

wow, that was corny. (there was no other way to describe it though)

today was a day of revelations. disgusting revelations. however we're growing up and i guess that's what you get. although i'll never look at some people the same again.

on another note, WOOOOOOOOOOH SO HAPPY FOR YOU GURRRRL. jump that.. i will refer to this as "towel", simply because there is one next to me. anyway JUMP DAT TOWEL!

and to sean; i'm not dead! i'm alive and right here nigggaaaaaaaaaah!



Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ten Day Blogging Challenge: Round Two

thought i'd try to re-spark the blog, so here's a second "Ten Day Blogging Challenge"

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four things that girls/boys do that you hate.*
Day Eight: Three things that girls/boys do that you love.*
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession
*(opposite gender to contributor)

we'll start tomorrowww. -checks time- (well, later today.)


Thursday, April 21, 2011

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
One of the greatest quotes, from a great author.
Work with what you know, not with what you think you know. because, you'll eventually realize that you're wrong... and everything that you believe is wrong... and that the entire time, you've been trying to fit puzzle pieces in the wrong place, the wrong way...
When i first heard the quote, i guess i didn't understand... i didn't understand how it would become one of my favorite quotes.
But i guess, there are two reasons why i love it:
firstly, it's quoted from one of my most loved characters.
secondly, the amazing person who first told it to me. i'm slowly getting there. and you mean lots to me, more than i previously thought. so much more. and i'm sure this is one of the many good things i'll remember you by.

two shout outs:
- thanks, it really helped.
- i'm sorry. and im kicking myself for how i've acted towards you.
- and i'm sorry i've been such a crap selfish friend. i really miss how much we used to talk, and how close we were. regardless, you'll always be one of my closest confidants, and i hope it'll become this way again and always.

Nah, I think I’m just fed up, I’m already bored, you’re dull...

the euphoria when you realise there's a 5 day long weekend.
except that the library is closed hahaha

in this time, i hope to go over all the notes i've typed up. maybe i'll convert them to PDF format, and place a watermark with my name on them, which reminds me..
wait, no nevermind.
i'll just re-uploads some of those notes.

and i sometimes wonder, whether or not the other contributors have died ahah.
well, except jamie.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


- the fear of the number 666. (spams 666)

feel fell asleep at the library thrice three times.
-headdesk- (quite literally)
electricty and magnetism -dizzy spin-. don't get it at all...and we havent even started relativity, woooo.

creepiest thing at gelare. some fat obese (6 times my size, no joke), 40+ year old, white guy sat near to me and Sandra Sandra and I at gelare in nb.
of all the empty tables, chose the one next to us, with a clear view of her (oh god).
gave her the creepiest-pedo-i-want-you look i've seen. similar to then "8)" emoticon i use. oh god, thank god we were finished and walked ran off quickly

library study is being so-so. need to get more sleep to focus better aha.
maths tuitionnn tomorrow = arghh. (probability distributions anyone?)

just realised there isnt even a single easter egg in our house..

ah well.
i want to sleep in. (and swim a bit more)

Monday, April 18, 2011

i've been watching but the stars refuse to shine.

so currently just watching reruns of the OC (my life is so exciting!) and dreaming about the leather jacket i'm gonna hopefully buy this week :3 tomorrow's the last day of term and we have a picnic planned at school (HATERS GONNN HATE YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) and going for half priced waffles after, so tomorrow seems like it's going to be a good day (:

anyway, shout outz as usual!
- stop replacing me please ;_;
- you've been the one i can depend on no matter what, but it feels like you're leaving me, that things are changing and idk how to stop it because honestly i find it hard to function without you. i've realised how much i trust you, count on you and turn to you. and it's freaking me ouuut.

- who do you think you get outta town
- you are incredibly hilarious and i'm really glad i've been talking to you more! our conversations are always interesting/amusing/make me die of laughter and choke on water and it's really cool how quickly and easily we've gotten to know each other, dude ;D
- i love you so much ajsdlkfjas;dlkfj

Friday, April 15, 2011

last term one.


one term down.
three and a bit to go-
(damn exams/end of year is coming fast)

next prefect meeting, i have a legitimate reason to rage at both students and staff urgh.
didnt know we had to tell scanlon we were setting up in the morning, we're house captains ffs arghhh.
and damn teachers who cut the line and grab half a dozen sausages and buns for "some people".
pisses me off badly.

and youu. -glares-
i love how you always consider us a last resort.
if there's not enough, sure, just fill it up with us.
but im sorry, i do have things to do, and im not just waiting for your whimsical call.
gee thanks, i really appreciate being treated that way.

-practices over and over again-
competition sundayyy -damnit no badminton-
need to cut down from 9mins 15 to 7mins 45 -cries-

shout outs:
- why you so weird one? ahaha
- don't bother asking
- naww such a cute photo LOL.
- drink more water next time (so ironic yeah?)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

i'm going to break down these walls i've built around myself.

meant to post this yesterday night but didn't for an unknown idiotic reason; anyway just shout outz :3

#1: it kinda feels like the old times hanging out with you now, and it's making me realise how great it is when we're all together in that 'original' little group. we get along so easily, everything just feels like it should. when i'm with you three it's like being around family and i don't think it can get any better than that <333333333

#2: i don't know what to do when you're sad because you never tell me what's up. i really want to help you and make you feel better...but it's extremely hard when you close everyone off. you should know that you could trust me with anything and it's not a bad thing to let someone in once in a while.
#3: i miss you and idk how to stop.
#4: we have so many fights, ones that i love and other ones like this current tension filled silence that i can't handle. (i can't handle the fight NOT YOU ♥) when i have a fight with you, it automatically turns into a bad day - even if school finished early and i bought some awesome ukulele strings, everything turns to be about you. and i end up just waiting. waiting for you to say the first word or waiting for you to calm your farm or waiting to see if yo minging ass has even realised that i'm ignoring you. you mean a lot to me too, i wish that you'd understand i have legit reasons to be a crazy bitch about certain matters & just trust me. but i'm apologising & promising that i'll explain. i'm only hurt that you let me try to sleep in such a sad state (fukyeah alliteration). leaving me to stay up & argue with myself whether i should be the one to spend all my credz and fix things. 
because when things are broken with us, everything else feels shattered too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

holidays plzz.

rather than the usual long lengthy posts im used to, i'll cut the material down crap.
i really need a respite from my religion essay on vatican II.
-thinks, dei verbum, lumen gentium, gaudiem et spes, sacrosanctum concillium... is that latin or italian..?-


the week's been bad ridiculously horrific so far.
- failed maths, fml, tutor's gonna kill me.
- chemistry screwed up.
- physics was so-so.
- econs, not good enough aha.
- worried about bias english marking scheme.
- religion and life is becoming modern-vatican-history. urgh.

ah well.
time to hit the books at the library on the holidayss.

(goodbye..i think)