Sunday, April 24, 2011

the heart of life is good

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
(heart of life - john mayer)

wooooh. maths study.

but first:

when we're together i feel like i'm at home (even if there are weird pedos following us down the road). i'm so glad we've stuck together for so long because when it's just us four it feels so right. whether we're covered in bugs, failing at cartwheels or planning things i know we'll always have a good time! i'm sorry if i've ever doubted you, because today has just emphasised over all days that you guys are the best and that friendship is the best cure for nausea. thanks for always sticking by me - and i hope you'll always know i'll stick by you!

wow, that was corny. (there was no other way to describe it though)

today was a day of revelations. disgusting revelations. however we're growing up and i guess that's what you get. although i'll never look at some people the same again.

on another note, WOOOOOOOOOOH SO HAPPY FOR YOU GURRRRL. jump that.. i will refer to this as "towel", simply because there is one next to me. anyway JUMP DAT TOWEL!

and to sean; i'm not dead! i'm alive and right here nigggaaaaaaaaaah!




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Sunday, April 24, 2011

the heart of life is good

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
(heart of life - john mayer)

wooooh. maths study.

but first:

when we're together i feel like i'm at home (even if there are weird pedos following us down the road). i'm so glad we've stuck together for so long because when it's just us four it feels so right. whether we're covered in bugs, failing at cartwheels or planning things i know we'll always have a good time! i'm sorry if i've ever doubted you, because today has just emphasised over all days that you guys are the best and that friendship is the best cure for nausea. thanks for always sticking by me - and i hope you'll always know i'll stick by you!

wow, that was corny. (there was no other way to describe it though)

today was a day of revelations. disgusting revelations. however we're growing up and i guess that's what you get. although i'll never look at some people the same again.

on another note, WOOOOOOOOOOH SO HAPPY FOR YOU GURRRRL. jump that.. i will refer to this as "towel", simply because there is one next to me. anyway JUMP DAT TOWEL!

and to sean; i'm not dead! i'm alive and right here nigggaaaaaaaaaah!



